Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Two Boys...

I told Baba G. that I'd write a little something on my "sons". Also, I know that BSB wanted some pictures.

That right there is Monster Puppy. He's my baby all right. For those that don't know, he's a weimaraner.

Let's see... a little first about the weimaraner shall we? It helps explain his "issues" better at first...

According to the Weimaraner Club of America, if you go here you will see this:

1. Weimaraners are very energetic animals...they are bred to hunt all day with their master. Changing this behavior changes the essential Weim. If you can not deal with this behavior, you should look at other breeds less rambunctious! 2. Weims are not soft mouthed like a Golden Retriever or Irish Setter. They are still the game hunter and some Weims have a low tolerance for small fur bearing animals including cats and small dogs. Changing this behavior again changes the basic temperament of the dog.
3. Weims can bark and if you are away from them too much and they are left to themselves, Weimaraners are like any other lonely dog, they will bark incessantly and develop bad habits or try escaping their surroundings.
4. Although Weimaraners are hunting dogs, they do not like living outdoors. They require your attention. They are the true, loyal, hunting companions in every respect, needing your friendship. Chaining a Weim outside will not work!
5. Inspite of the folklore and myth surrounding the breed, the Weimaraner is not a wonder dog. Given the opportunity, he will still steal the pot roast off the dining room table when no one is looking!"

Now... my thoughts on the matter:

1. Weimaraners bond with one person in the household. They attach and are bred to be with this person all day "working" and then sleeping in your bed next to you. If you don't want a bed hog- then find another breed. The have a tendency to steal all the blankets and end up sleeping on your pillows too- no matter what the training. It may be cute for a smaller dog- but when he's 85 lbs? You need a bigger bed.

2. Unless you have a full-grown cat who is fine with dogs already- then don't get one with a weimaraner. Also, don't rely on "shock collars" to stop your monster puppy if they see something like a rabbit in the yard or a cat on the street. They're hunters. Oh, and birds? You'd be surprised how close they get. Some have been known to catch birds just like a feline would.

3. They have separation anxiety. It's bad. Not only do they have a "mimic cry" but if you're not careful and leave the house with your monster alone then you might have animal control called on you for the "barking" and someone thinking the lonely pup is being abused. Also- this is the type of dog where someone has to always be home or needs an older and more calm dog to hang out with. Also, when the separation anxiety kicks in it doesn't matter if they're kenneled or not because something is going to get hurt. If crated, it'll be your dog (i.e. his nails, teeth from digging/biting at cage door) and if left out then it could be anything from clothing to television remotes to your most favorite shoes or even cellphone. Oh, and if the person "watching" monster isn't the one they've bonded to- good luck with the pacing and howling. :)

4. They need supervision. Constantly. At first they won't go outside unless you're right there- and when they "calm down" you still have to be visible to them. Also, their coat is super short- so if you were naked outside and would be cold, or sun-burned then your weim will be too.

5. Yes, they are food obsessed. They beg, and guess what?! Their head is the perfect height for resting their chin on the dinner table while you eat.

Yes, Monster Puppy is eating lettuce. Stolen right off the island.

Now, there's a reason he's called Monster Puppy. Actually, owners of the breed call them "Weimzilla" instead.

For example:

Given the dysfunction and the neurotic nature of the weimaraner, along with the human-like traits, I figured what more could an over-emotional, neurotic, and needy girl ask for that a four-legged best friend just like her.

So I got him.

Not a day goes by that I regret that. Even though there are times when I can't do things because of him, he has made me more happy than I ever thought I could be.

This breed has CHARACTER. Personality. They constantly make you laugh with their facial expressions. Yes, they make facial expressions more than any other breed I've run across. They're jestures, and sweet down to the very core of their being. I've never had a best friend like him, and I'm hooked on the breed. They say once you have a weimzilla you'll never not have one. It's true...

There is a bond that you have with your weim that isn't describable. This guy is unreal... He can go from cuddle-bug, to playtime, to protector ("pretty face" teeth and growling and everything at someone he doesn't like), to letting my barely 3 year old niece pull his ears in a matter of minutes. He's clumsy, and thinks he weighs two pounds. He loves car rides, and sits by the door I left out of until I return- even if it's for hours.

Oh, and they snore too.

Word to the wise- the gas on these things. Worst thing EVER.

They also have food allergies and don't always photograph well... atleast not inside for me anyways. :)

Now... Sweet Puppy is a mutt. :)

This guy is half basset hound, half something else. He's pushing 6 years old, and so calm and gentle you can't help but call him Sweet Puppy. Oh, that and Oreo sometimes.

Yes, that's his most favorite blanket/comforter in the world. Star Wars. Figured Evil Spock might like that- a dog who loves SciFi.

Also, there isn't much to say on Sweet Puppy, because he's just so sweet and loving. Oh, he's cookie obsessed.

That and he's got tons of facial hair.

What a crappy picture of him- but it's funny.


Madison said...


It's about dawggies now!

thank gawsh.

Madison said...

they do sort of look like they'd belong to a guy instead of a girl huh?

but i love them- retardations and all. :)

i want to see the stroller! oh my gawsh even my little one is 50 lbs... mine are more harness and super tough leash dogs.

although, with some of the footwear i have, maybe stroller pups would be better. hey, i wouldn't end up falling or twisting my leg then! :)

Madison said...

adsense is now about colon problems... all because of a dog gas problem i mentioned.

Baba Ganoush said...

Thanks for the info Madison. I'll make sure my wife reads this, so she knows what we would be getting in to.

With the kids, I think we are years off from getting a dog anyway, so there's plenty of time to research and decide.

Madison said...

i swear they are just like kids- only you really can't take them anywhere except petsmart. :)