Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blustery Days

I just went back outside, hoping the wind would've finally quit. Nope. It's been windy for a few days, and I'm honestly quite stick of it.

DH called me earlier and informed me that for our third anniversary he might be TDY again. It's in about three months, but still. Last year he was stuck at Keesler AFB while I was here... and I spend our anniversary at a strip club with two friends. No, not a male club. A female club. They always say a little t and a makes you smile, and even though I'm straight I find it to actually work. Yet, instead of focusing on the obvious (which the males tend to enjoy) I find myself fixated upon the footwear and lack of proper pedicures the girls have.

Last year I got a pair of stripper shoes, a state of drunkenness I hadn't had in a while, and a vibrator to pass the four months DH would be away.

Gotta love those guys. They're like my brothers only without the "ick" factor that one would get in receiving such gifts from actual brothers.

DH and I had a mini-argument (which was more like a discussion actually via cellphones) about how he feels that he shouldn't have to give up things to be married. Not like other girls or something, but like buying himself this or risking his life by jumping out of a plane. I get the trump card- I married a military man. I have to re-locate, adapt to his ever-changing work schedules, cannot go back to college because of the lack of permanent residency, cannot have a job that is a career (no one really hires you knowing you'll more than likely leave in a year or so unless it's retail or something else low paying), blah blah blah. He just doesn't get it though. Truly pisses me off.

I'm NOT Super Woman. I CANNOT do it all. There isn't enough hours in the day simply put. There isn't any way I can make good money, take care of monster animals with super separation anxiety, go back to school, take care of the home like Martha Stewart would, be a good wife, and sleep. Let alone have time for me...

No wonder I'm in dire need of a week of doing nothing.

I'd actually be quite content with the wind to stop. Mother Nature... come on please.


Evil Spock said...

Chipmunks one day, strippers and vibrators the next.

Wasn't expecting that . . .

Btw, did you nominate me?

Madison said...

why yes i did...

aw, well i'm a bit strange in my topics. :)

Baba Ganoush said...

hmmmm. with my attempt to maintain that I am NOT a Deviant, I will leave it at this......I hope the wind stops blowing.

Also, that's one of the toughest things that I had to adjust to with being married......I had to consider someone else when I made decision about things I wanted.

Angry Ballerina said...
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Angry Ballerina said...

Yea, its hard being married to The Military, but love comes with sacrifice. Wow, I sounds like a friggen Hallmark Card or somthing. You sounds like you got a handle on things though (well a few things, one of which that vibrates).

Madison said...

i'm all set with being martha stewart- just want her house. :)

Madison said...

but i do like some of her crafting ideas. well, they probably aren't hers more like the people who work for her. i get her magazine- and now i know what to do with all of my shrunken wool sweaters!