Monday, October 09, 2006

The sun will come out... tomorrow?

I'm lacking motivation lately.
I'm not eatting properly.
I'm not doing my pilates.
I'm not quitting smoking- even though I know I must.
I'm procrastinating on everything.
I'm not sleeping well either.

I feel like I'm in a lull.

Funny thing about lulls though- there really isn't a way to snap out of it. It just sort of happens.

Normally I know what put me in the funk to begin with, but this time I'm clueless. It's not hormones either by the way... I think it's just me starting to get a cold?

I think I need a "pretty day". When you get all done up for absolutely no reason.
When you look fabulous you feel fabulous...

That's what I'm betting on!

1 comment:

Madison said...
