Stupid weather.
So Saturday started off rocky- and I got bitchy at bunches of things. Wanted to go out with friends to a Halloween party. Weather was terrible and DH didn't want to drive that far to go... and neither of us were in a "dressing up" mood. I think the choice to not go wasn't so bad... but having to tell people that we weren't going put me in a really bitter mood.
Whatever happened to people respecting "No" and "I'm not going" as reasonable answers? A few of my friends are good that way- yet everyone else seems to need a justification for your answer. If you say "Yes!" then they're fine with it- but "No"?
Apparently "No" is a non-sufficient answer when it comes to driving almost 1.5 hours on the highway with 50+ mph winds, rain, and leaves blowing everywhere too mind you- to go drink dressed up at a bar or two with friends.
After having to justify myself- which is something I think is not only inappropriate for them to demand but insulting to my judgement as well- I was in super-bitch mode. Poor husband. That, in turn, put him into the same mood as me only less potent.
Mix that with being hungry... not a good recipe for Madison. She starts to turn into a scary Halloween monster with face all contorted, eyeballs popping out, and foaming at the fangs for someone to rip apart. She starts to resemble this (without the red nose since I wasn't cold):
Quite scary and most definitely unattractive.
Nothing a little wine and a fire and a sexy new super-soft down-filled blanket and a husband couldn't fix though.
All of a sudden I then looked like this:
Well, and something else not so G-rated.
One of the perks of being married to someone like DH. Even though he can be a turd, and normally romantically challenged 98% of the time... when that 2% rolls around it seriously blows you away.
So it was a really really good ending to a crappy evening. Yet, Sunday morning rolled around and I tell you my head felt like someone was hitting it with a two-by-four.I used to drink all the time and not feel like I was dying the next day. Then when I turned 25 earlier this year something happened and now with every sip I see the "Welcome to Hangover-ville!" sign getting closer and closer before I go to bed.
How did I wake up? To a big cup of coffee and a bacon, egg, and biscuit breakfast.
Oh, and warmed robe to slip into.
Be jealous. I would be. This sort of thing normally escapes me... but like I said- when it does happen it blows me away.
It was seriously just what I needed. I was starting to get into a funk over a few things, but there's nothing like having DH recognizing it (finally) and fixing it.
But I have to take Monster Puppy outside... he's really got to pee.
Oh I am envous :) My man is great but never that on top of things
"Sometimes All You Need Is Love"
All we need is love all of the time, all of the time.
I've been back East quite a few times, it can get pretty nasty back there this time of year.
So BSB, how about a date? I'm a lot of fun. Oh, wait, we live a long way away from each other. Well hey, I got something for you anyway, hugs are always wonderful, right? (((BSB)))
well it doesn't matter where the love comes from- as long as it comes!
awww... you got asked out on my "love" blog!
and to think that my stupid adsense was getting me down with all the divorce/cheating stuff! <3
bbc-- it's funny how it's always pretty on a monday and tuesday and crappy during the weekends... that's new england weather for ya!
Madison - Too funny. My wife and I did almost the same thing this weekend. A couple bottles of wine, a little trivial pursuit (yes we are lame and yes, I did kick her butt), and off to better things.
Let's just hope my wife does not read this post. Sounds like DH really got it done.
Out anniversary is tomorrow, so I may steal some things from you guys.
baba- i hope it went well! see... nothing beats romantic fires at night and breakfast in bed. well, besides "yummy time" that is. (i used not so deviant terms because you are NOT one) *wink*
bsb- that's because on the internet the rejection isn't so bad. it's not so bad to read a "no thanks" compared to the look of "oh my gawsh no!" one gives when asked by someone not interesting to them...
maybe they're just intimidated by you? has to be. you're beautiful.
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